In Vitro Fertilization

Alabama Supreme Court Ruling Compromises Access to IVF

February 21, 2024 - On February 16, 2024, the Alabama Supreme Court issued a ruling that characterized frozen embryos as people, indicating that any destruction of these frozen embryos could be considered a crime. Despite decisions from two lower courts that maintained that frozen embryos do not qualify as children, seven of nine justices voted to include frozen...

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ASRM Redefines Infertility, Adding Sexual Orientation, Relationships

by Veronica Salib

In an attempt to develop a more inclusive and comprehensive definition of infertility, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has modified the description to include people unable to...

Study Finds 20% of Women Achieve Natural Conception After IVF Treatment

by Hayden Schmidt

An Oxford Academic meta-analysis published this week found that natural conception after live birth via assisted reproductive technology (ART) was common, occurring in 20% of women. Looking at...

A WHO Report Finds That 17.5% of People Experienced Infertility

by Veronica Salib

On April 3, 2023, the WHO published an Infertility Prevalence Estimates report analyzing global infertility rates between 1990 and 2021. Researchers determined that 17.5% — or one-sixth —...

Analyzing the Association Between ART and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

by Veronica Salib

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) has proven to be a critical tool for those unable to conceive via biological mechanisms. However, considering the relatively new nature of these tools, little is...

Assisted Reproductive Technology Linked to Risk of Pediatric Cancer

by Veronica Salib

Considering the growing popularity of assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), many researchers are looking to understand better the risks associated with these...

Decline in Male Reproductive Health Linked to Environmental Health Exposures

by Hayden Schmidt

A study published this month in the Environmental International Journal found chemical exposure in exceedance of acceptable limits among a group of 98 men, threatening male reproductive health and...

Novel Micro Device Simplifies IVF, Male Subfertility

by Alivia Kaylor

A University of Adelaide research team and medical technology company, Fertilis, have produced a novel micro device to simplify the only fertility treatment technique associated with men with low sperm...